
LUMIN P1 review

Stereonet have published their review of LUMIN P1, presenting it with their Applause Award. 

I was delighted to hear a smooth, solid and highly detailed sound, one that allowed the music to shine and didn't draw attention away from the content. The P1 has a fullness and completeness to the sound that's lacking from lesser devices, playing with a top to bottom sense of uniformity and evenness that elevates the P1 as a very good sounding playback device.

Lumin T2 Review

Hi-Fi Class have published their LUMIN T2 review and awarded in their 'Recommended' status as well as giving it 5-stars across the board!

Lumin was able to use the wealth of information about the acoustics of the room, show reverberation, reflections of sounds even from distant walls and thus create the impression of being in the same space with the performers.