NordOst Heimdall 2 Speaker Cable

Fra 14.995,00 DKK
612 kr. pr. måned
Ved et samlet kreditbeløb på 18.744 kr. over 36 mdr.: Månedlig ydelse 612 kr. Samlede kreditomk. 3.285 kr. Samlet tilbagebetaling 22.029 kr. Debitorrente (fast) 0,00%. ÅOP (forudsat betaling via Mit Sparxpres) 11,36%. Der er fortrydelsesret.

The new, second generation Norse Series loudspeaker cables deliver a level of performance not previously possible at their price points. Nordost’s proprietary Micro Mono-Filament construction creates a virtual air dielectric complete with an elegantly engineered suspension system. Combined with silver-plated OFC solid-core conductors and extruded, flat ribbon FEP insulation, the result is the ideal electrical and mechanically controlled construction for ultra-fast, low-loss signal transfer between amplifier and loudspeakers.

These cables offer superb detail, dynamic range and weight, recreating the natural beauty and impact of any musical performance. The use of consistent technology and materials across the Norse Series allows you to easily build a coherent cable solution, maximizing system performance.

Norse Series – the fast track to superior musical performance.


Comes as a PAIR of cables
Fully manufactured and terminated in the USA
Shotgun configuration only
18 x 22AWG silver plated (60 microns) 99.99999 OFC
solid core conductors
Mono-Filament design
9.8pF/ft capacitance
0.14uH/ft inductance
Banana or spade termination