Lineær stømforsyning

29.495,00 DKK
767 kr. pr. måned
Ved et samlet kreditbeløb på 29.495 kr. over 48 mdr.: Månedlig ydelse 767 kr. Samlede kreditomk. 7.290 kr. Samlet tilbagebetaling 36.785 kr. Debitorrente (fast) 0,00%. ÅOP (forudsat betaling via Mit Sparxpres) 11,89%. Der er fortrydelsesret.

The QSOURCE is a fanless Linear Power Supply designed specifically for hi-fi audio applications. By providing a stable, clean output of DC power at select voltages, while maintaining extremely low noise levels, the QSOURCE enhances the audio imagery of a sound system by improving sonic articulation, heightening dynamics, and expanding the sound stage.  

The QSOURCE uses a top-of-the-line transformer with a unique circuit design to convert AC to DC power while an internal QRT module removes electrical anomalies and noise artifacts from the line and smooths out the DC output, so that audio components are running on the highest quality DC power possible. From a sonic perspective, this clean power makes all the difference, providing excellent regulation, very low ripple, and outstanding transient response, allowing your components to achieve their peak performance.  

While the QSOURCE was designed to enhance and power as many as four of Nordost’s new QPOINT Resonance Synchronizers, which manipulate electromechanical resonances in order to enhance the coherency and timing of components, it was conceived with versatility in mind. In addition to the four, 5V outputs designated for QPOINTs, the QSOURCE provides two outlets that can supply 9V, 12V, or 19V and 12V, 19V, or 24V respectively, which can be chosen to match the requirements of your electronics. To complete the transmission chain, Nordost has designed purpose-built QSOURCE DC Cables to fit the QPOINT and any other DC-run components in your system.

Whether using it in conjunction with the QPOINT, or as a standalone power supply for DC-dependent audio components, Nordost’s QSOURCE Linear Power Supply will bring new dimension to your sound system, allowing you to enjoy richer and more nuanced musical performances.