NordOst Red Dawn Power

Om denne serie kabler, der kan betegnes som NordOst svar på gode ”entry level” kabler, skriver NordOst.
”Capable of releasing astonishing performances from even modest electronics and speakers”

Fra 5.595,00 DKK
190 kr. pr. måned
Ved et samlet kreditbeløb på 6.994 kr. over 48 mdr.: Månedlig ydelse 190 kr. Samlede kreditomk. 2.100 kr. Samlet tilbagebetaling 9.094 kr. Debitorrente (fast) 0,00%. ÅOP (forudsat betaling via Mit Sparxpres) 14,39%. Der er fortrydelsesret.

Red Dawn-serien fra Nordost er topmodellen i Leif-serien og er legendarisk for at tilbyde næsten high end i en meget rimelig prisklasse.

Takket være Nordost's kernefilosofier omkring kabeldesign, herunder sølvplettering af solid-core OFC ledere og ekstruderet FEP, såvel som den patenterede Micro Mono-Filament teknologi, sikrer Red Dawn-serien en naturlig og artikuleret lyd i dit anlæg.

Red Dawn strømkablet er forsynet med audiospecifikke Schuko og IEC stik, som sikrer lav impedans og kompetent jordforbindelse.


It used to be the case that all systems ran on stock power cords, but recent experience has shown that, far from the occasional afterthought they once were, properly designed, audiophile power cords are fundamental to system performance.  In fact, the effects are so demonstrable, so obvious, that power cords are fast assuming their proper position as the most important cables in your system.

As befits this critical application, the Red Dawn power cord employs high-speed, low-loss, heavy gauge 3 x 14 AWG micro mono-filament conductors sheathed in FEP insulation. The minimal dielectric effect and propagation delay ensures that power is transported as directly as possible, straight to your equipment, while purpose built, audio grade connectors maintain the low source impedance of your AC supply and ensure superior grounding.

Why do power cords make such a big difference? Because, in a very real sense, your AC supply is the raw material from which your system produces music, and just like a sculptor, the quality of that raw material is reflected in the finished result. The more demanding the system, the more important the quality of the AC supply, making the Red Dawn power cord the ideal choice for system situations where high-current capability is critical. Start by using Red Dawn to feed your power distribution strip and power amp, applications where current flow is the paramount concern. After that, all the other electronics will benefit too, allowing your system to deliver the shape and texture, color and dynamic range it’s really capable of.

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